About Us

Who we are

ASCENDtials (pronounced “essentials”) equips people with problem-solving skills to help society transform and overcome societal obstacles originating from an oppressor/oppressed model and standard of living. 

We believe in impacting BIPOC communities through programs that encourage BIPOC participants to act as signifiers of change in settings that are not inclusive towards BIPOC people. 

Education & Training

Designing From Whiteness to Oneness™

Designing From Whiteness to Oneness™ is a curriculum to help learners understand, consciously and critically connect, and engage in dialogue as a process of learning and knowing to affect real social change. A true apprenticeship in Whiteness and Oneness is needed if we are to come to grips with the oppressive nature of our systems, which impede life in many forms. To admit a system is oppressive is to say there are two dialectical roles one plays within it, the oppressed and the oppressor, and by design, humans play the role of oppressed, until they can assume the role of the oppressor.

Literacy Workshops

financial literacy

Our financial literacy workshops will cover topics that impact the BIPOC community. They will help you with your finances, long-term planning, and building wealth across generations.
