The ASCENDKemetCollective is a group of healers that transduce energy to benefit the collective and the greater community. We intend to host our first symposium, where we will promote the collective and its vision to restore the philosophy of our ancestors in this region of the world. We will gather to share this knowledge with experts and healers. We will host the event at different venues to offer workshops that catalyze positive change through healing and exchanging information. Please join us in this effort to work together to protect and preserve Kemetic knowledge so that we might develop our higher faculties and address the needs of communities. We want to share this knowledge and grow a society that can heal and build health and wealth.
Have you ever felt a yearning to connect with the wisdom of your ancestors? The ASCENDKemet Collective is here to bridge that gap. Join us on a journey of discovery, transformation, and collective action. The ASCENDKemet Collective is curating a unique market experience that integrates wellness, culture, and community connection. Discover fresh, local produce alongside herbal remedies and handcrafted goods all offered by vendors who share our values of soulfulness and well-being, encouraging us to reconnect with our African roots. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Kemet through craft, food, and music. Learn about ancient practices for cultivating health and harmony.