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Environmental Programs

Row of trees.

Program Goals

ASCENDtials revitalizes communities through implementing BIPOC-focused workshops and mentorship programs that emphasize the principles of balance, order, reciprocity, harmony, and justice for all. Thus, ASCENDtials’ environmental programs have two objectives: bring awareness to current US farming systems and their role in depleting soil health and polluting water, and address individual practices that are holistic, and inform how we might embrace holistic thinking, so we can sustain a healthy environment and bodies. We aim to be in balance, just as nature is.

Monthly offerings and opportunities to join our efforts

We have created a tree planting and garden program that will sustain practices that are in alignment with soil and water health. Our mission aims to integrate initiatives/projects centered on building a more harmonizing connection with nature while bringing awareness to behaviors that perpetuate imbalance through environmental education and concern for farming practices that negatively impact the environment.

Join our monthly Beach and Highway cleanups and take part in helping us plant trees and grow fresh produce! ASCENDtials partners with a variety of Parks and partner organizations to host monthly gardening workshops, learning about soil, relationship planting, sacred geometry, planetary cycles, water and air quality, and exposure to building relationships with other beings in nature. Connect with us via our website page for the program of your interest, take part in our regularly scheduled events, and volunteer on our team or onsite at many of our events. There are many opportunities to plug into our network. 

Program Purpose

Our programs seek to inspire conscious citizens to preserve their local environment while developing their knowledge of sustainable farming systems that preserve California’s natural wildlife and beyond. By investing in educational tools and practices that bring sustainable farming practices close to San Diego, we can promote awareness of an idealized farming system that is built upon harmonious farming practices, as we exercise our connection to nature by positively impacting soil health and water quality by planting trees and other low water consumption plants to reduce California’s, and more specifically San Diego’s pollution and carbon emissions.

To learn more about participating in our environmental programming as a volunteer, please complete the volunteer form below. We are currently looking for volunteers to support our initiatives. 

Program Offerings

Beach Cleanups

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We are excited to offer individuals, groups, and organizations the opportunity to clean our adopted beaches, Silver Strand Beach on Coronado Island and Torrey Pines Black’s Beach in La Jolla. We hold beach cleanups once a month. We pick up litter and monitor for any signs of pollution or other issues and we provide all equipment needed.

By participating in Beach Cleanups, you will have a direct impact on the health and beauty of our coastline and help preserve it for future generations. Whether you’re a community group, a business, or an individual looking to make a difference, we welcome your participation. We can also offer letters of appreciation for our volunteers to provide to their employers, if needed.

Highway Cleanups

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Adopt-A-Highway is a free program for the public to volunteer to clean up a 1.4-mile stretch of local state highway. ASCENDtials has adopted two highways, Pomona Avenue, on Highway 75,  on Coronado Island and Elketon/Quarry, on Highway 125. We conduct highway cleanups monthly and would love to have your help! When you volunteer for Climate Cares Cleanups, you are improving conditions for everyone who uses the area and preventing fires and pollution. We provide all equipment for cleanups.

Experimental and Service Learning Programs

ASCENDtials provides new and innovative educational methods for people to learn about the environment and nature, civil justice and society, consciousness and knowing oneself, and the universe as a whole. We connect theory and practice in our Experiential and Service Learning Program. We offer college students an educational curriculum accompanied by hands-on activities.

Our Garden Project

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Do you need access to a spot to grow pesticide-free fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and herbs? We all deserve this to stay on top of our health. ASCENDtials’s Garden Project offers garden space and ongoing workshops. Our garden is located in sunny Bonita, inside the Sweetwater Summit Regional Park. 

Tree Planting

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The Sweetwater Park Rangers and ASCENDtials are partnering to plant trees in honor of Earth Day. The Rangers are going to dig holes so that we can plant seedlings. Together, we can plant trees that will provide shade and habitat for animals and improve air quality.

Hike With ASCENDtials

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Being active in nature helps you feel connected to your true self. Imagine the sunlight peeking through the green leaves just to get to you and tell you all is going to be alright, as long as you are good and do good, nature’s way. Join as at our hikes to explore Sweetwater park and to camp at the Louis A.Seltzer park. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about the nature’s symbols, native plants, changing environment, animals, history of areas, indigenous use of plants, soil health, monarch butterflies…At the camp site we’ll observe the night sky and learn ancient and new ways of looking into the principle “As above, so below.”

Poetry & Writing Club

Poetry and Writing Club 3rd Thursday of the month

The Ascendtials’ Poetry & Writing Club is a company-run writer’s club that writes on social topics that impact the BIPOC community. The writers are divided into two groups: high school, and adults. These groups meet either monthly or every other month to discuss their writing on specific topics that they are assigned. A moderator will ensure that people are giving each other feedback, discuss feedback digitally through Slack, then meet online for a final meeting before publishing the work.  As part of this series, we will be inspired by guest writers who will share their artful expression and background music sounds as motivation for writing on issues that matter most.