Ascendtials’ themes are Community, Collective Consciousness, Structural Change, and Accountability. Our educational model is based on our Curriculum Focus Issues, which include themes of leadership development, educational awareness, self-care, community education and care, spiritual development, political education and social justice, African history, and global awareness. Our Theory of Change is to provide support, guidance, education, and love to our membership, to teach them to be self-accountable and see themselves as an essential part of a larger community, that represents truth throughout and what they represent others with reflect.
This new building will be the first site for members and the wider community. We want to offer space for housing, training, engagements, and educational use. A home for the development for Ascendtials, a space to work to change structures and policies that will more broadly and systemically help Black people, and a site to train in the field so that others can improve development outcomes based on our model. This is a vitally important step. We hope to gain your support.
ASCENDTIALS Vision for the Future
- Create the only state-of-the-art community center with a technology center and large open lot for an environmental education center in San Diego.
- Create pathways into social entrepreneurship for children to begin impacting structures in San Diego and across the nation.
- Work to bridge gaps that challenge our communities.
- Meet the growing demand for our services locally and internationally.
- Provide a space to train youth and adult facilitators from around the country on Ascendtials curriculum.
- Enhance the quality and depth of our programming.