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Kemetic Yoga 

Kemetic Yoga is an ancient form of yoga based on the culture and philosophy of the land of Kemet (modern-day Egypt), meaning “Land of the Blacks.”  Based on the images found on the walls of Egyptian temples, this ancient art form has a deep-rooted connection with the history and culture of Africa and its people. 

The philosophy behind Kemetic Yoga is the self-development and rejuvenation of the body, mind, and spirit while forming a link between all three to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Having connections to the ancient African culture provides a healing process for members of the BIPOC community and others through a series of slow breathing techniques combined with carefully crafted postures inspired by the geometry of the pyramids. The postures help align the spinal column and strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the physical being. It helps energize the physical and spiritual body, improves consciousness, alters mood, relieves stress, and improves circulation.

The BIPOC community can reap the benefits of Kemetic Yoga to cope with stress and anxiety caused in everyday life. It helps people reconnect with their roots and learn their ancestors’ ways of balancing emotions and developing a healthy mind and body.


The ASCENDKemetCollective is a group of healers that transduce energy to benefit the collective and the greater community.  We intend to host our first symposium, where we will promote the collective and its vision to restore the philosophy of our ancestors in this region of the world.  We will gather to share this knowledge with experts and healers. We will host the event at different venues to offer workshops that catalyze positive change through healing and exchanging information. Please join us in this effort to work together to protect and preserve Kemetic knowledge so that we might develop our higher faculties and address the needs of communities.  We want to share this knowledge and grow a society that can heal and build health and wealth.