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An event that will explore different topics related to Melanin and its benefits

About this event

With the topic of Mental health always in the news and its stigma gripping nations, we all must gain a better understanding of what our education has taught us or not taught us about our own mental health. We as Blacks, are affected immensely by not knowing ourselves and not understanding how to manage our overall health. Knowing thy Self and understanding the role of Melanin in our lives is certainly part of that. To reject the knowledge and application of tools our ancient ancestors left for us is in itself anti-blackness and signals great alarm. We aren’t all the same, and the fact that we’ve behaved the way we do, has caused great detriment to our health. I’m of the opinion that we must take greater control over “knowing thyself” which is written above many structures in ancient Kemet, and we want to embrace this wisdom of our ancestors, so that we might save ourselves from our current identity crisis and downward slope of “whiteness”. We want people to be able to understand the purpose of this melanin on the outer core of the skin, so as to inspire those who cannot pass as white, to reidentify with what “black” always is and has been (despite the propaganda that has everyone buying and drinking the Kool-Aid) and know that is a powerful conductor of energy, that needs to be harnessed properly or risk calcification and the ability to connect with our spiritual selves. If you need answers, you’ll surely find them here.