Virtual Life Fair Info:
ASCENDtials, a leading organization in the field of social impact, is hosting a virtual fair to recruit talented individuals for various positions. The event is an excellent opportunity for candidates to gain extensive experience while working in different roles and to obtain letters of appreciation or recommendation. Please check out our Handshake page for internships and volunteer posts!
The virtual fair will be held over Zoom
If interested in an open position, schedule a call with a member of our hiring team via Calendly below and submit an application at the end of the page. The currently open positions are listed below:
Programs Team
- Programs Lead and Support
- Researchers
Fundraising Team
- Fundraising (Intern Only)
- Fundraising Support
- Fundraising Specialist
- Researcher
- Finance (Intern Only)
Events Team
- Public Relations
- Event Lead/Social Media
- Event Support
- Videographer
- Garden Volunteers
- Digital Marketing (Lead/Intern)
- Farmers Marketing Assistant
- Graphic Designers
Publishing Team
- No Openings
Hiring Team
- Volunteer Support Coordinator (Hiring and Admin Team)
- Admin/Project Assistant and Coordinator

Position Descriptions
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