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Become an ASCENDtials member today!


 Member Benefits

Donate $25 or more today to receive these exciting members-only benefits
  • Free Yoga sessions included with your membership (1 Kemetic yoga session at our partner organization)
  • Garden membership with access to fresh produce and to grow your own food
  • Membership discount on all ASCENDtials merchandise and events
  • Gifts throughout the year, like greeting cards and our New Yearly ASCENDtials Calendar.
  • Invitations to special events
  • Access to our team, resources, networks and promotional tools

While supplies last. Substitutions may apply. Accessories not included. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Available to U.S. residents only.

By joining our membership, you’ll gain access to free sessions and offers listed below. You’ll also be supporting our mission to provide meaningful experiences that provide a deeper appreciation for self, a oneness that provides environmental care.

Please complete our membership application to join us now! Memberships are as little as $36. Please check out our shop to make your purchase. We have monthly, half-year, and full-year memberships.

All private sessions are outdoors. Contact our Event Coordinator to schedule your private session directly, and for other scheduling of sessions, please send a calendar invitation to [email protected] on the day you plan to use your free sessions.

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