ASCENDtials Garden Project and Memberships
By submitting the membership agreement linked to this page, I certify that I have read, understand, and support the mission and goals of ASCENDtials. I agree to abide by the following rules and conditions, and I also agree to abide by any further rules established by the ASCENDtials Board of Directors. Membership terms have changed, so we ask that both new and returning members read carefully.
Privileges, Rules, and Requirements of Membership, Common Agreements, and Important Dates for the 2024 Season

ASCENDtials Shared Commitments
Signing an agreement for a planting bed or a supporting membership to ASCENDtials Garden Project is an agreement to the following shared commitments:
- We agree to share ASCENDtials’ approach to protecting our environment through non-toxic solutions to soil health and horticulture problems. Synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, and non-organic fertilizers, are prohibited. We agree to contact a board member for approval before using any nonorganic method or substance anywhere in the garden.
- We understand that ASCENDtials is a principled organization with reciprocity, balance, order, harmony, and justice. Furthermore, at its core, it strives to maintain an environment of humanity and respect for the planet. Therefore, insulting, rude, or otherwise inappropriate conduct that the board determines to be consistently disruptive to our community may result in loss of membership and its attendant privileges.
- We agree to respect our fellow garden members and visitors with our actions and communications.
- We understand that ASCENDtials operates on an honor system; membership in this garden is a position of trust. Accordingly, theft of any kind from members or of ASCENDtials property will result in the immediate loss of membership and all attendant privileges, loss of the right to harvest, and possible legal action.
- As a community, we welcome children and always encourage them to come to the garden to play or plant. In the interest of safety, children must be accompanied and supervised by at least one adult, age 18 or older, for the duration of their visit.
- We understand that ASCENDtials is a volunteer organization that requires the participation of all members to succeed.
- ASCENDtials is governed by a governing board with elected officers. Any member may attend a board meeting and is encouraged to do so. Board meetings will appear on ASCENDtials’ online calendar.
- A minimum of 10 volunteer hours are required of each planting-bed household per year to remain in good standing and, therefore, are able to keep the same planting bed for the following year. (See “Membership Requirements” below) ASCENDtials tracks members’ volunteer hours to help us better share the garden work and support grant proposals for funding. Keeping track of additional hours beyond the minimum number required helps with our attempts to secure grant funding.
- Members are also encouraged to support and assist with the fundraising efforts of ASCENDtials (certain Celestial events and Mother’s Day weekend plant sale; smaller events through the season; letters inviting donations as the season closes or at year-end).
- We grant ASCENDtials permission to use our likenesses in photographs, videos, or other digital media in any of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other considerations.
- We understand that neither ASCENDtials, the ASCENDtials Board, nor any ASCENDtials member is responsible for our actions. We, therefore, agree to indemnify and hold harmless ASCENDtials, or its board, collectively or individually, for any liability, loss, or claim that occurs in connection with the use of ASCENDtials by us or any of our family or guests.
- We understand that we are responsible for any damage, loss, or theft caused by me, my family, and my guests and that we may be subject to making restitution to ASCENDtials for such damage.
Privileges of Planting Membership
- Each $5 monthly or $45 yearly planting membership fee covers one planting bed or membership in our experimental gardening collective. Sharing a membership with a friend does not increase the cost unless you want an additional set of keys. There is an additional cost of $5 for the first set of keys. Replacement keys are at market rate.
- Members have full access to tools, water, and supplies stored in the tool shed and gardening resources available on-site to cultivate their own beds. Members are entitled to attend Board meetings, special members’ events, and all community events or workshops hosted by ASCENDtials garden project.
Practical Gardening Agreement for our Shared Use of Space
- Members will notify the Membership Chair of extended absences during the growing season to specify maintenance and harvest arrangements during the absence.
- Plants in members’ beds must not block walkways or impinge upon neighboring beds.
- Members will not plant outside their beds unless approved by the Landscape/Maintenance Chair.
- Beds must be cleared and planted by May 15, or the member household forfeits its bed. Please ask for assistance from a mentor or consider joining the gardening collective if you have trouble getting started!
- Members agree to harvest produce promptly from their planting bed. If ripe produce is neglected in a bed, members should expect to hear from someone about donating their produce to our donation program.
How to Become a Member?
Anyone with a love for learning and growing their own food can become a member of our garden.
- Members agree to attend the annual Spring Gathering in March/April from 10 a.m. to noon (in the garden, weather permitting; check your email the day before; Zoom, if necessary)
- Membership becomes active when
- ASCENDtials receives the monthly $5 membership fee and the annual $45 membership fee or a request for a scholarship (new & returning members).
- ASCENDtials receives the $5 key fee (new members only)
- AND members have attended the Spring Gathering (new and returning members) and an orientation session (required for new members if a planting bed is available).
Returning members who have gardened with ASCENDtials for at least one season consecutively and who renew after February 18 may begin gardening prior to the Spring Gathering after having a conversation with the Membership Chair in order to take advantage of early spring crops and early bed preparation.
2024 Membership Requirements Include:
- Members commit to completing ten (10) volunteer hours per Planting Bed household during the 2023 season: March through February.
- The Board and Committees will provide multiple ways for you to fulfill this membership requirement. You are welcome to keep giving once your required hours are completed:
- Monthly Tend the Garden Days (group workdays, lots of fun, but on Saturdays, when some can’t attend)
- Posted Task Lists online and at the garden following workdays, follow-up for individuals who can’t make the workdays
- Tasks for those who can’t do physical labor
- Committee work, leadership roles
- Events staffing and planning
- Hosting of public garden hours every Saturday, from 10 am to noon, May through September (We hope to begin public garden hours this season when we can.)
- Other needs lifted through the season
Event Hosts/Committee Leaders will provide sign-in sheets to gather volunteer hours for group events. There will be a document online for members to keep track of participation in fulfilling required hours (and more!) for the season. Other sign-up methods may be added later in the season.
2024 Membership Applications
ASCENDtials membership applications for 2024 Monthly and Yearly subscriptions can be found here. Please sign up now!