The ASCENDtials’ Poetry & Writing club is a company-run writers’ club that writes on social topics that impact the BIPOC community. The writers are divided into two groups: high school students, and adults. These groups meet either monthly or every other month to discuss their writing on specific topics that are assigned. A moderator will ensure that people are giving each other feedback through voice or chat, and then provide final feedback during the session before publishing work in the blog. As part of this series, we will be inspired by guest writers sharing their artful expression and background musical sounds as motivation for writing about issues that matter most.
"If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, you must be the one to write it" - Toni Morrison
Purpose of Poetry & Writing Club
The purpose of the ASCENDtials writers’ club is to start developing volunteer writers for specific topics to create a company think tank. This think tank will be seen as credible experts and writers on a specific field that will help influence positive change and establish the company as a top influencer for social change.
- Giving freedom of writing and expression over the given topic and genre
- Training for structured writing and avoiding plagiarism.
- Opportunity to experiment with different forms of writing
- Exposure to literature and eminent writers.
Process of writing

Requirements for Participation and Credit for Service Learners and Interns
- Attend writing club for 3 sessions for full credit and participation.
- During these sessions, volunteers are expected to share a minimum of 6 writings, 2 pieces per session. One is uploaded and one is shared on the day of the event.
- For credit, make sure you follow the signup link to become a member first. Follow the instructions in the confirmation message to schedule your next session.
- Understanding the creative process of writing.
- Understanding the power of creative writing skills in social reformation.
- Identifying the “own style and strength”.
- Developing the courage to share one’s own life experience.
- Knowing the world of BIPOC literature.
- Learning “writing with Integrity”.