Experiential and Service Learning Programs

ASCENDtials is a forward-thinking organization dedicated to empowering individuals for societal change. Inspired by the ancient African ideology of Maat, we focus on self-awareness, natural law, and balance. Through awareness and action, we identify and transform oppressive structures, striving for a world where everyone can thrive.

In this manner, we are creating opportunities for our youth to gain skills that will make them more conscious about society and nature and equip them with skills, making them more competitive in the job market, as self starters existing to solve problems, rather than participate in and create them.

What We Offer?​

At ASCENDtials, we focus on these 5 touch points


Environmental Programs

Program Goals
Program offerings-volunteer activities around protecting and preserving the 4 elements (water, air, fire, earth)
  • Beach Cleanups
  • Highway Cleanups
  • Garden Project

Benefits of ASCENDtials Environmental Program for Students:

  1. Engages students in nature-centered service learning, fostering deeper understanding and interdependence.
  2. Develop critical thinking, leadership, and environmental stewardship values.
  3. Exposes students to diverse environmental career paths and practical experiences to think holistically.
  4. Raises awareness of community needs and enhances interpersonal skills through service projects.
  5. Enhances resumes, scholarship applications, and networking opportunities with demonstrated commitment.

ASCENDtials Service Learning- Crafting Entrepreneurial and Business Acumen-Ready Futures

ASCENDtials Unique Service Learning Program Offers Real-Time Volunteer and Internship Roles, Providing Students with Opportunities for the Practical Application of Knowledge that Heals. 

Internship Positions Offered


  • Gain Practical Experience: Opportunities to work on real-world projects, to positively impact the environment today, and initiatives relevant to their field of study.
  • Skill Enhancement: Develop and strengthen skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and project management.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals, mentors, and community leaders in various industries.
  • Career Exploration: Explore different career paths and industries through hands-on experience and exposure to diverse projects.
  • Professional and Personal Development: Access to training, mentorship, and professional growth opportunities to enhance their career prospects.

Internship Positions Benefits

Our programs are designed to attract learners interested in seeing the holistic view in education, from the perspective of the four elements.  Students can select from sessions covering Nature, in all its characteristics.  There are activities that cater to the Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.  All of these elements require a deeper dive and understanding.  Students can make an impact by focusing on one area or all. Sessions are completely customizable according to the learner.  We are able to offer 15-25 hours per academic term and weekly hours requirements of 3-4 hours per week.

To learn more, sign on here.

You can also reach out to us at info@ascendtials.org and someone from our team will reach out to you. Please include experiential/service learning in the subject line. Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Click here to learn more about our workshops or look at the infographic below.

Register for a session here!