Inaugural Presenters: Onyeka Tefari and Nikki Bose
Date: August 20, 2021
Time: 12:30-3:30 PM PST
1st Online Divine Feminity Yoga Retreat
Join us for our 1st Online Ancient African-based Yoga retreat! Support ASCENDtials’ mission to provide educative tools that develop higher-level problem-solving skills to those with the highest concentration of melanin, in order to recognize and preserve culture rooted in the truth that we might secure Equality!
This retreat is intended to give participants exposure to African Kemetic Yoga, a spiritual way of life known in Ancient Africa, before being adapted in Asia. This is important to recognize and preserve this culture so that we are respectful of the contributions of Black bodies to culture and learn more about Knowing Thy Self and experience real connection for the sake of understanding our purpose that we might protect humanity by preventing conflict, illness, and poverty.
We will also explore Hatha Yoga, an India-based yoga that focuses on strengthening our life force, which is critical in securing “Oneness”. Because we are all made of energy, it is critical to keep the flow of energy balanced and free-flowing, to develop greater levels of energy through purification, proper nutrition, and exercise, that we might understand the truth. We will explore the importance of this in both sessions. We hope you’ll join us on this journey.
Yoga Session Description
My session will provide a quick introduction to Kemetic yoga. Kemetic Yoga is African Yoga. It was practiced by the ancient Kamites for physical, mental, and spiritual development. During this session, attendees will be guided through a series of poses and breathing exercises that aims to help us achieve peace of mind, strengthen our bodies, increase flexibility, and blood circulation. Through breathing exercises, attendees will experience was to develop relaxation, concentration, and control over their thoughts and emotions.

Nikki Rae Bose
Nikki Rae Bose here, the creative mind behind reUnify Yoga– a community-centered yoga studio in the sweet bubble of OB, whose focus is giving back.
I’m just a Chicago city girl that fell in love with the power of the Ocean 10 years ago and have been surfer-chic-living in San Diego ever since.
If we’re getting all fancy about qualifications, I’m a 500- hour trained teacher– 200 hours trained locally and 300 in India. I’ve been teaching yoga since 2012 and used to have a full-time job as a molecular biologist.
I took an open-hearted leap and pursued yoga-teaching full time after a 6-month journey to Asia that forever changed the way I perceive the world. Now, I’m focused on forming and growing a family of yogis committed to selfless service. Another value of mine is carrying forward the traditional practice of yoga, which means ALL of the limbs. You’ll see– I thread the philosophies throughout every lesson offered.
Some people consider me an earth and ocean mama— I have that deep raspy voice that connects everyone to their roots but a playful energetic pulse that ebbs and flows like the ocean.
As Bob Dylan said, “All I can do is be me, whoever that is.” Some days I show up to teach in a good mood, some days I show up to teach in a bad mood, and I encourage all students to express what/how they’re truly feeling. Let’s just let it move through, baby.
Itinerary – Friday, August 20th
12 PM Lobby Opening
12:30 – 12:35 PM Introduction-Purpose-Housekeeping
1st Session
12:35 PM – 1:00 PM Warm-up and Intro to African Kemetic Yoka session – Onyeka Tefari
1:00 – 2:00 PM African Kemetic Yoka session
2:00 – 2:10 PM Discussion/15 Minute Break
2nd session
2:10 – 3:20 PM Hatha Yoga session – Nikki Rae Bose
3:20 – 3:30 PM Closing Questions/Answers
If you are interested in joining us for this insightful practice of both African Kemetic Yoga and Hatha Yoga, register here. If you should have any questions or would like to get in contact with presenters or our marketing team, please reach out to us here. We look forward to seeing you there! Purchase tickets in our online shop and receive discounts to future yoga sessions at reUnify.com, or a discounted massage at onyekatefari.com, or an ASCENDtials tote bag, if purchased in our shop. You can also go over to Eventbrite using this link. https://tinyurl.com/divinefemininityyoga. Get your 10% discount at checkout today!
Please check out our press release regarding the new partnership here. If you like the work we are doing, please consider offering a gift to ASCENDtials so that we may continue providing programming that supports Equality and provides tools on that journey to Knowing Thyself. Contact us at [email protected]. You can also learn more by visiting our get involved page if you’d like to partner with us.